Updated February 2nd
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Re: the teddy bear
Updated January 27th
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Michael Allen, MD MSc
Katalin Kariko
Covid 19 Vaccine
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Brandy Lockhart
Underwater Archaeology
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February 26th, Brandy Lockhart, BSc, MMA (Maritime Archaeology)
Underwater Archaeology at Parks Canada
Brandy Lockhart is an Underwater Archaeologist who has worked full-time with Parks Canada since 2016. She received a
Bachelor of Science from McGill University with a double major in Biology and Anthropology, concentrating in Archaeology.
She graduated with distinction in 2006 from Flinders University in South Australia with a Masters of Maritime Archaeology.
Brandy will be presenting on Underwater Archaeology at Parks Canada. The Parks Canada Underwater Archaeology
Teams (UAT) chief mandate has been to discover, protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's
underwater cultural heritage. Over its 60-year history the team's scientific divers have discovered and explored
thousands of underwater archaeological sites throughout Canada.
March 26th, Michael Allen, MD, MSc
Katalin Karikó - Covid 19 Vaccine
What's the connection between a 900-pound teddy bear (UK pounds sewn in, not weight) and a lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine?
It's Katalin Karikó, a Hungarian biochemist who, through decades of labouring in obscurity, rose from
humble beginnings growing up in one room of a mud-walled home to become a Nobel Laureate.
When most researchers doubted the usefulness of messenger RNA, she persisted in her belief in its potential which led to a completely new type of vaccine.
Along the way she and her husband raised a daughter who was a two-time Olympic gold medal athlete.
Michael Allen will relate the science behind the COVID-19 vaccine and the remarkable story of Katalin Karikó's life as told in her autobiography.
Michael Allen worked as a family physician in Nova Scotia for 17 years before joining Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine in 1994.
In 2022 he retired as full professor in the Faculty's Office of Continuing Professional Development where he was Director of Evidence-based Programs.
In retirement he has been taking courses and reading popular books on mathematics, physics, and the life sciences, and enjoys sharing the knowledge he has acquired with other curious types.
Just a reminder of the exits (emergency and otherwise)

Stay Safe
Johnson Insurance
We have added a link to the Johnson Insurance web site (see "Links" page).
Johnson provides competitive rates for Probus members for all kinds of insurance, particularly travel insurance.
They are in the process of joining with Belair Direct, but this link will still give you access.
Guests and Visitors from other Clubs are welcome.
We are a 'Combined' Club. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month (except December - 2nd Wednesday).
Meetings begin at 10:00 with a few minutes of announcements and then a speaker. Members start
to arrive about 9:30 for coffee, cookies and chat (tea, Tim-bits and talk).
Meetings are at: Gloucester Presbyterian Church
91 Pike Street Ottawa K1T 3J6 Pike Street runs north from Hunt Club just west of Conroy. The church is at the
corner of Lorry Greenberg and Pike. The parking lot entrance is off Pike.
PROBUS' Vital Purpose
... to stimulate thought,
interest and participation in activities at a time in life when it is easy to become complacent and

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