Updated July 15th
Events Page:
New venue for lunch
Finnigans Pub

Tulip Page:
July Tulip posted

Updated July 11th
Home Page:
Annual Picnic

Events Page:
Rideau Cruise, August 15th

Beechwood, August 21st

August 28th
A Spot of Lunch
Southside Tab & Grill

Updated July 4th
Gallery Page:
June Meeting
Kelly Clarkson

Updated July 1st
Home Page:
August Speaker
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston
Sino-Canadian Relations

July Meeting
In-house Speakers' List

Walkers Page:
July Walk posted

Updated May 24th
Events Page:
Billings Estate
July 19th

Home Page
The Tulip
Management Committee
What is Probus?
Past Speakers
Job Descriptions
20 Years
Local Clubs
Spring Fling

   club no. 101 chartered with probus canada

   Probus Club of Ottawa Alta Vista

   sponsored by the rotary club of ottawa


July 24th, In-house Speakers
Do you have a story to share?

Three members will share their stories with us at the July Meeting.

Barbara Wlison, who usually leads our Walkers, will tell us about walking the Offa's Dyke Path trail along the Welsh/English border.

Henry Burr is a retired lawyer. He was a prosecutor in the American justice system and when he moved to Canada he became a defence attorney. He is going to talk about the differences between the two systems.

Roger McCullough moved from Toronto to Ottawa but headed West, which was the long way around. Maybe his talk should be called "Around the world minus 450km".

... followed by Annual Picnic

The Picnic will be (weather permitting) on the lawn outside our meeting room. Please stay on after the meeting for a social hour. Bring your own picnic lunch and refreshments, and don't forget to bring a chair.

August 28th, Margaret McCuaig-Johnston
Sino-Canadian Relations

One cannot access a news source today without being made aware of the interference and influence China is exerting in Canada. Is it as bad as the news media suggests or is it the latest topic designed to draw our attention to our favourite news source?
We are very fortunate to have Margaret McCuaig-Johnston speak to us and answer our questions.
Margaret brings a wealth of knowledge and experience on this topic from her work with the China Strategic Risks Institute and the Canada China Forum Advisory Board.

Stay Safe

Johnson Insurance

We have added a link to the Johnson Insurance web site (see "Links" page).
Johnson provides competitive rates for Probus members for all kinds of insurance, particularly travel insurance.

Guests and Visitors from other Clubs are welcome.

We are a 'Combined' Club. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month (except December - 2nd Wednesday). Meetings begin at 10:00 with a few minutes of announcements and then a speaker. Members start to arrive about 9:30 for coffee, cookies and chat (tea, Tim-bits and talk).

Meetings are at:

Gloucester Presbyterian Church
91 Pike Street
Ottawa K1T 3J6

Pike Street runs north from Hunt Club just west of Conroy. The church is at the corner of Lorry Greenberg and Pike. The parking lot entrance is off Pike.


 PROBUS' Vital Purpose

... to stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities at a time in life when it is easy to become complacent and self-centred.

Copyright Probus Alta Vista (2011 to 2024)
Site development by SoftWright Inc.